Paul Reynoldson's Studio Experience

Friday, March 17, 2006

A psychotic episode
Video sent by paulreyno

I am a registered Psychiatric Nurse, who no longer practices because I have issues with the political structure of the British health service ,( it is going the way of the system in the US and that’s a bad thing). I nursed for 14 years and in that time I met up with some people who were the personification of mental illness. When I first started a lot of the patients were classified as having Schizophrenia ( I don’t put people in boxes either all illnesses are individual as the person who is suffering from it) one of the sure signs of schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations amongst other things. When you are talking to someone who is obviously responding actively to these hallucinations they usually respond by appearing blank faced at you they did not hear you because the voices in the head are too strong. I wanted to show you how it must feel to suffer in this way.

This episode is neither funny nor is it meant to be funny in any way. However Mr spliffy was full of himself after all the praise he has had recently and the pressure of getting the copyright issues out got be to a stage that I thought I was having a psychotic breakdown.

I warn you this video can be disturbing.


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